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getMultipleBPC will extract multiple BPCs from an `xcmsRaw` or `xcmsRawLike` object for a vector of mz within the limits given by rt, rt_dev and mz_dev.


  mz = NULL,
  mz_dev = 0.005,
  rt = NULL,
  rt_dev = 2,
  zeroVal = NA,
  smooth = 0,
  returnEIC = FALSE



`xcmsRaw` or `xcmsRawLike` object.


Numeric vector of masses or NULL (default) to return the overall BPC.


Allowed mass deviations (can be a single numeric, a vector, a matrix with one row (lower bound, upper bound) or a matrix with length(mz) rows giving lower and upper bound for each mz).


Target retention time or NULL (default) to use full time range.


Allowed time deviation (if rt is specified).


Set values <=0 to NA or keep as is with NULL.


Window size for moving average smoother, 0 = no smoothing.


Return EIC instead of BPC?


A matrix with scan wise (rows) intensities for all requested masses (columns) as either EIC or BPC.


While there are other functions to extract BPC information from raw data, this one is particularly useful to get all traces belonging to a isotopologue group. It will attach several derived values to the results object, i.e. describing the observed mass shift (deviation from expected value) which is helpful in QC for non-targeted tracer analyses. While the `mz` and `mz_dev` parameters can be vectorized, the `rt` and `rt_dev` values will be consistently used for all ion traces.


Uses C code modified from XCMS (see citation("xcms")).


raw <- HiResTEC::raw
# search for mz = 556.263 and its isotopic traces
mz <- 556.263 + c(0:3) * 1.0034
getMultipleBPC(x = raw[[1]], mz = mz, mz_dev = 0.04, rt = 1026)
#>         556.263 557.2664 558.2698 559.2732
#> 1024        192      409      137       NA
#> 1024.11     108      442      285      185
#> 1024.22     218      689      264      174
#> 1024.33     182      376      212      199
#> 1024.44     203      474      318      248
#> 1024.55     176      281      227       NA
#> 1024.66     479      347      220      236
#> 1024.77     756      585      333      213
#> 1024.88    1067      634      314      312
#> 1024.98    2776     1399      716      284
#> 1025.09    6610     3098     1485      541
#> 1025.2    12169     6060     2964      977
#> 1025.31   25375    12122     6366     2332
#> 1025.42   46946    21670    10722     3032
#> 1025.53   72569    35616    18733     5730
#> 1025.64  124835    60170    28377     9419
#> 1025.75  193894    88264    45633    14346
#> 1025.86  311245   142143    68544    21378
#> 1025.97  441113   201026    97625    30563
#> 1026.08  545974   248761   122117    37187
#> 1026.19  692311   313574   149188    45408
#> 1026.29  781599   349588   173431    51490
#> 1026.4   835705   384270   185293    54482
#> 1026.52  885279   410974   196540    56425
#> 1026.62  844186   410959   192598    56592
#> 1026.73  864405   390477   182583    54265
#> 1026.84  816490   364957   168895    50189
#> 1026.95  707994   308642   144234    41869
#> 1027.06  595325   254635   123740    35046
#> 1027.17  457785   201628    93148    25830
#> 1027.28  342583   143835    67293    20131
#> 1027.39  224530    95186    44864    12414
#> 1027.5   138206    55236    27720     7816
#> 1027.61   85222    36381    17371     5349
#> 1027.71   55698    22611    11126     3105
#> 1027.83   31004    12899     6397     1905
#> 1027.93   17426     7050     3099     1011
#> attr(,"rt")
#>  [1] 1024.003 1024.112 1024.221 1024.329 1024.440 1024.549 1024.658 1024.767
#>  [9] 1024.876 1024.984 1025.093 1025.204 1025.312 1025.422 1025.531 1025.640
#> [17] 1025.750 1025.859 1025.967 1026.078 1026.187 1026.294 1026.404 1026.515
#> [25] 1026.624 1026.731 1026.842 1026.951 1027.059 1027.169 1027.279 1027.389
#> [33] 1027.497 1027.607 1027.714 1027.825 1027.932
#> attr(,"mz")
#> [1] 556.2630 557.2664 558.2698 559.2732
#> attr(,"mz_dev")
#> [1] 0.04
#> attr(,"maxBPC")
#> 1026.52 
#>      24 
#> attr(,"mass_defect")
#> [1]  -1  -3  -8 -11